We recently completed a ground investigation where we were required to undertake 5m boreholes in the basement of an old nightclub in Surrey. The headroom in the basement was 2.65m and access was via a number of tight corridors and stairs. Ventilation within the basement was poor so electrical drilling equipment was required.
We also undertook BRE 365 soakaway testing on site, in-situ CBR testing in the adjacent car park and hand dug foundation inspection pits against the outside of the building and within the basement.
Using our network of trusted sub-contractors we can access drilling equipment across the whole of the Midlands, London, South-East and South-West area, to ensure that, no-matter how tight the access or deep the hole required, we can provide you with a quality geotechnical or geo-environmental report. These reports characterise the site geology and, using soil geotechnical or contamination tests we can advise you how this geology will affect your development.
So from Birmingham to London to Bristol, and beyond. If you need a site investigation, please contact us for a proposal. We're sure we'll be able to help you!
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Chang Lin (Monday, 18 April 2022 06:08)
We are supplying diamond core bits, drill rods, casings, PDC bits, core barrels, tricone bits, DTH drilling bits, mud pumps and other drilling tools.