In natural environments, rain falls on permeable surfaces and soaks into the ground; a process called infiltration.
In urban areas where many surfaces are sealed by buildings and paving, natural infiltration is limited. Instead, conventionally, drainage networks, consisting of sewers and culverts, have diverted rain water directly to local watercourses. In many cases, this has resulted in downstream flooding and deterioration in river water quality, caused when foul sewers are overwhelmed by surface water leading to a release of dirty water into rivers.
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) aim to alleviate these problems by storing or re-using surface water at source, by decreasing flow rates to watercourses and by improving water quality.
Prior to the design of SuDS at a site, the natural infiltration rate of the ground is required (how much water it can soak-up and how quickly). Here at Geo-Integrity we undertake infiltration rate or percolation testing, to guidance document BRE 365. As the test is an in-situ test, results can be processed within a few days. We can carry out the tests anywhere from Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire to the Warwickshire and the West Midlands, to Hertsfordshire, Bedfordshire, London and the Southeast. With our experience, we also ensure that the tests are undertaken safely and with the minimum of disruption to your site.
Write a comment
jeffery poonawala (Wednesday, 15 July 2020 16:40)
What would be your fee for the following works,
1 day of window sampling including concrete corer up to 6 no. WS - holes to max. depth .
Install 3 no. gas and ground water monitoring installation to max. depth of 3 m
Back fill pits.
Murray Bateman (Thursday, 16 July 2020 11:18)
If you would like to email us site details and your details we can help
Ashley Strong (Wednesday, 16 September 2020 13:09)
I would like a quote for a BRE 365 test to be carried out on our site at Westcott Venture Park, HP18 0XB
Mark Baker (Thursday, 11 February 2021 18:04)
Need a soakaway test at OX20 1RY, have 3 ton digger and river on site and water bouser.
How much and when can you do?
murraybateman@geo-integrity.co.uk (Friday, 12 February 2021 17:26)
Anyone requiring a quote please email us, we have no way of contacting you if you leave a message here. Cheers